2024 Grant Week 글로벌 R&D 그랜트 라이팅 워크숍 (성공적인 연구 제안서 작성: 고급 기법과 전략)
페이지 정보
Attended a highly informative workshop on “Advanced Proposal Writing: Techniques and Strategies” at Yonsei University Alumni Conference Hall yesterday.
It was an honor to learn from industry leaders like CFRE 이순남 회장 (SunNam Lee)Chairperson of KSoP, 강단비 교수 (Professor Danbi Kang)Samsung Medical Center Clinical Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 전종홍 책임연구원 (Principal Researcher Jonghong Jeon)ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), 이윤희 박사 (Dr. Yoonhee Lee) Korean Digital Wellness Association, 최관용 명예교수 (Professor Emeritus Kwan-Yong Choi)Department of Life Science, POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), 최광남 본부장 (Director Kwangnam Choi)National Science and Technology Data Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), 최연식 교수 (Professor Yeonsik Choi)Department of New Materials Engineering, Yonsei University, 김현철 본부장 (Director Hyuncheol Kim)Research and Development Innovation Division, Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) and 비케이 안 소장 (Director Bekay Ahn Director, ICNPM (International Center for Nonprofit Management), Former Special Professor at Korea University College of Medicine.
Their insights into grant management and innovative R&D strategies were invaluable. Grateful for the opportunity to enhance my skills in this crucial area.
hashtag#GrantWriting hashtag#Research hashtag#Innovation hashtag#ICNPM hashtag#KSoP hashtag#CFRE
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